Tag Archives: Design

How to Put up Fashion Bazaar

23 Apr


Putting up fashion bazaar is a great challenge specially for those who are just starting.

I f you know someone who have been engaged in fashion bazaar, you can ask them what are the necessary things needed to assemble a fashion bazaar and their suggestion regarding latest trending about fashion bazaar.

The following are the things you need to assemble a fashion bazaar.


hook curved


half body mannequin


3/4 half body mannequin


round 3/4 body mannequin




clip hanger blue


clip hanger white


mesh wire w/frame


extension wire


clip light bulb wire



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Before signing up for the Fashion Booth, be sure to conduct market study.

1.       What is the trend for the season?

2.       What are the most things in demand to that particular place?

3.       What are the competitor’s items and price range?

4.       Know how many people may see the fashion bazaar event.

5.       Determine if the Fashion Bazaar Coordinator are able to disseminate the Fashion Event.

6.       Mostly, be prepared FINANCIALLY, EMOTIONALLY, AND PHYSICALLY for anything that may happen during the bazaar.

Following pictures are taken from the fashion bazaar I put up in GT Tower, Makati City, Philipines on April 15-19, 2013.

Goodluck and Be HAPPY !!! J


Passion about Fashion

16 Feb

Fashion GirlHave you ever think of being a fashion designer as a career after finishing a degree which is very far from a fashion degree ?

When did you feel that fashion is your passion?

Would you take risk to start over again just to follow your hearts desire being a fashion designer?

I hope this would help to all those who are at lost on their career..

I have always dreamed of being a fashion designer since I was at the age of 7.  It’s been 22 years and still a dream… Worked at something I don’t really even cared or loved about? (Maybe sort of…)  And I thought, if some things are not really fitted to each other, you can’t force it or else, you may loose or break it. It’s like from a children’s story, “The Missing Piece by Shel Silverstein.” A circular animal-like creature was finding its missing piece. It kept on singing and enjoying the scenery while on its way to search for its missing piece. Tried many wedges to fit in but none of it fitted. At last, it found the right one after trying many wedges, and rolled over faster than it was.  The same like me, tried many things and wandered about different kind of career but I know what could fulfill me… for me to start my life rolling… I read one quotation from Facebook, “I deserve to arrive at my destination without detour” – anonymous. Then it hit me, why do I take so many sub-way when I know where I will go? And so this is it! I have to embrace that piece… My Passion about fashion.

It is a risk to change course specially when you are at the age of unemployable  year, but don’t you think that you are already at risk to waste your life and happiness doing something you don’t like?

I also want to give credit to one person who is always happy and very supportive about my craziness for my passion about fashion… thanks SirM.